1. He has always sounded holier-than-thou. 他说话总显得自命清高。
2. I can't stand his holier-than-thou attitude. 我无法忍受他那种自命不凡的态度。
3. I could put with his specific criticisms if it were not for his holier-than-thou attitude. 要不是他那假仁假义的态度,我是能够容忍他那些具体的批评的。
4. Some of my best friends are vegetarians, but even they have a tendency to be a little on the holier-than-thou side. 我最好的朋友有些就是素食者,连他们也有点儿自以为是的样子。
5. Susie Self-Righteous: Holier-than-thou attitude and judgmental of others, her favorite phrase is “Thank God, I’m not like you!” 苏西 自以为是:一种比你圣洁的态度,又论断别人,她最喜欢的一句是:“感谢神,但我不喜欢你!