1. It was perhaps when my parents—who also happen to be my housemates—left to go travelling for a couple of months recently that it dawned on me why I had not yet left the family home. 也许正是在我的父母——他们碰巧也是我的室友——最近离开家去旅行了几个月的时候,我才恍然大悟,明白自己为什么还没离开家。
2. I hardly see my housemates. 我几乎很少见到的室友。
3. During the fall semester, my housemates and I threw a party. 在秋季学期,我和我的房友搞了一个聚会。
4. My other housemates at 889 East Broadway were Don Pogue and Bill Coleman. 我们租的房子位于东百老汇大街889号。 另外两名室友是唐.波格和比尔.科尔曼。
5. The most important is a responsible housemates and willing to share house work. 最重要的是一个负责任的室友,并愿意分担家务。