1. The luggage had two yellow stickers, one that clearly identified it as an Amnesty International campaign, and another that protested against human trafficking. 这个行李箱有两条黄色的封条,一个上面清晰地写着国际赦免活动,而另一个则是抗议活人拐卖。
2. We are combating human trafficking, especially in women and girls, through domestic and international law enforcement. 我们正在通过国内和国际司法打击贩卖人口,尤其是贩卖妇女和女童。
3. A new human trafficking act in Scotland; and greater efforts to tackle trafficking within the business community and Labour markets. 在苏格兰实行一项新的人口贩卖法案,加大对在商业和劳力市场中人口贩卖的打击。
4. Only 24 of 86 countries that responded to a questionnaire she sent out in 2008 indicated that those issues were a priority in the fight against human trafficking. 她在2008年进行的一份问卷调查显示,在与人口贩卖的斗争中这些才是首要问题,而86个国家中只有24个对此作出了回应。
5. Some experts, however, caution that there's no evidence these marriages are any more prone to abuse than regular marriages or that human trafficking through fake marriages is widespread. 然而,有些专家提醒道,没有证据表明这些跨国婚姻比一般婚姻更容易出现家庭暴力,也没有证据表明假借虚假婚姻进行人口贩卖现象普遍存在。