1. I don't like the way they husked the songs. 我不喜欢他们那种以粗哑的嗓音唱歌的方法。
2. If we are to benefit from eating rice, we must eat boiled or steamed rice, not uncooked or husked rice. 如果我们想要吃饭,我们就该吃煮熟或蒸熟的饭,而不是未煮熟或剥去壳的糙米。
3. The fox saw that the threshing-floor was full of husked grain and decided to deceive the ant and take all the grain. 狐狸看到打谷场上堆满了金灿灿的麦粒,便打定主意去欺骗蚂蚁,想把所有的粮食都弄到自己的手里。
4. Rice milling machine is a special machine for determining white rice yield from husked rice, it is also used for whitening kernels. 碾米机是检验稻谷出米率的专用设备,也是稻谷品质检验工作必需的糙米碾白设备。
5. Making merit by giving material things for future material gains is a good thing to do, but it is like husked rice, which is of use only for growing seedlings. 经由物质的财布施来获得未来物质的福报固然是一种善行,但它却像是剥去壳的糙米,只能用来种秧苗。