1. When the story of the barber's ill-treatment of his wife got wind, he left town. 那个理发师虐待妻子的消息传开以后,他就离开了城里。
2. In addition to the regular punishments there are special forms of ill-treatment . 除了常规的惩罚手段外,还有一些特别的虐待方式。
3. The angel of the Lord said to her, Go back to your mistress and submit to her ill-treatment. 天主的使臣对她说:“回到的女主人那里去,忍受她的虐待吧。”
4. He also allayed the fears of his brothers who dreaded that he should now avenge their former ill-treatment of him. 他还忧虑的担心他的兄弟谁害怕,他现在应该报复他们以前的虐待他。
5. Your ACTS are ACTS of exploitation, possessiveness, nationalism, ill-treatment of women and children, cruelty to animals. 你们的行为是剥削、占有以及民族主义的行为,是虐待妇孺、残杀动物的行为。