1. Please impress upon your people that we cannot be too flexible on this point. 请告知贵公司人员,我们不可能在这一点让步。
2. The thoughts are the mold which crystalizes this energy into good or ill according to the form you impress upon it. 你的想法就如同模具一般,根据你思想中的印象将巨大能量铸成相应的形状,不论那思想究竟是好还是不好。
3. It develops your will power. It helps to impress upon your subconscious mind the image you want to see realized in your body. 锻炼能提升你的意念力,能帮助你将你对自己身体的渴望印入你的潜意识之中。
4. I just want to impress upon you that even though your thesis may pass, there are still some grammatical mistakes to be corrected. 我总是想让你记住,尽管你的论文可能通过了,但还有一些语法错误要修改。
5. Impress upon him the need to define a manageable set of tasks and goals, and then direct his engeries toward completing them in an organized manner. 给他留下定义一个力所能及的任务和目标集合是非常必要的印象,然后把他的能量引到用一种有组织的方式完成这些任务上。