1. Whilst people may blame these Asian economies for borrowing excessively and '. 'imprudently'. 人们或会责怪亚洲经济体系借贷过度,有欠谨慎,而事实绝对是这样的。
2. Worst of all, some scholars and engineers even imprudently "forecast" that computers will finally replace or supersede teachers in education. 更有甚者,某些学者和工程人员不负责任地鼓吹计算机最终会因其优越行而取代教授。
3. All the elderly ladies whom Archer knew regarded any woman who loved imprudently as necessarily unscrupulous and designing, and mere simple - minded man as powerless in her clutches. 阿切尔太太认识的所有上年纪的夫人们都认为,任何轻率与人相爱的女人都必然是寡廉鲜耻、工于心计的,而心地单纯的男人在其控制下则是无能为力的。