1. They stand in line for the latest iPhone at the Apple store. 他们在苹果商店门口排队买最新款的苹果手机。
2. She is in line for promotion. 她有可能得到提升。
3. High achievers at the company are in line for cash bonuses. 公司里那些业绩突出的人有望获得现金分红。
4. If you have no specialized skills, there's little reason to uproot to another state and be the last in line for a low-paying job at a new auto plant or a green-energy startup. 如果你没有专业技能,你就没有什么理由背井离乡去到另一个州,在一家新的汽车厂或者新的绿色能源公司中干低级的活,拿微薄的薪水。
5. All the boys were in line for free ice cream. 所有的男孩都在排队等着拿免费的冰淇淋。