1. The army is only mentioned in passing. 军队只是顺便被谈及。
2. He noted in passing that the company's record on safety issues was not good. 他顺便提到该公司在安全方面的记录不好。
3. Good job in passing the second time. 能在第二次考试时通过还是不错的。
4. But good job in passing the second time. 但是能在第二次考试时通过还是不错的。
5. It was somewhat disguised from the road in passing it by yews and evergreen oaks, but it was visible enough up here. 从路上经过这栋楼房,紫杉和长青的橡树多少把它遮挡住了,但是从山顶上看去却一览无余。