1. You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe. 这道食谱可以用牛奶代替奶油。
2. Cooked kidney beans can be used in place of French beans. 做熟的四季豆可以用来代替菜豆。
3. In a few Minnesota communities, physician's assistants are being used in place of doctors. 在明尼苏达州的一些社区,医生助理正被用来代替医生。
4. In place of Thomas Carlyle, Britain nurtured Christopher Hill, EP Thompson and Eric Hobsbawm. 英国培养了克里斯托弗·希尔、EP·汤普森和埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆来代替托马斯·卡莱尔。
5. By the middle of the sixteenth century, financiers and traders commonly accepted bills of exchange in place of gold or silver for other goods. 到了16世纪中叶,金融家和商人普遍接受汇票来代替黄金或白银进行商品交换。