1. That promises to improve the lot of humanity as a whole incalculably. 这在整体上极大的提高了全人类的生活水平。
2. This invention played an incalculably important role in the spread of culture. 造纸术的发明,对人类文化的传播起到不可估量的作用。
3. But the effect of her being on those around her was incalculably diffusive: for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; 然而她的存在对于她周围的人有无可估量的扩散效应:这个世界的不断增长的善部分地依赖于划时代的行动;
4. The use of a single medium is highly advantageous for the same reasons that a money economy is superior to a barter economy: it makes exchanges possible on an incalculably wider scale. 这种对单一交换媒介的使用,就象货币社会之所以比物物交换的原始社会更为进步的原因一样,是相当有利的:因为这使交换可以在不可胜数的大规模情况下得以进行。