1. Their incautious use can lead to wholly misleading results. 他们轻易的应用将会得到错误的结论。
2. You were incautious yourself, why did you blame the others? 你不小心自己,为什么责怪别的人?
3. Those were slow, silent, often turbid; flowing over beds of mud into which the incautious wader might sink and vanish unawares. 布莱克莫尔的河流流得缓慢、沉静、常常是浑浊的;它们从积满泥淖的河床上流过去,不明情形而涉水过河的人,稍不注意就会陷进泥淖里。
4. True, often there is a kind of innocence in prejudices, but in those days I viewed grade-three thinking with an intolerant contempt and an incautious mockery. 诚然,偏见里是有无辜的成分,但是在那时我对第三等级的思考的态度是毫不宽容的蔑视和不假思索的嘲笑。
5. Because the ECB has had one eye on the exit since the start of the crisis it has earned plaudits from those who think the Federal Reserve has been incautious. 因为欧洲央行自危机发生以来时时考虑着退出策略,它赢得了一部分人的喝彩,这些人认为美联储的措施过于轻率。