1. Leo Tolstoy identified art as a use of indirect means to communicate from one person to another. 托尔斯泰艺术作为确定使用间接的通讯手段从一人到另一台。
2. Since the number of population was the key secret of a state in old ages, It was a common practice to carry out a population survey by an indirect means. 它透露出来的是西周的人口统计方法,由于人口数量在当时是国家的重要机密,通过间接的方法进行人口调查,在古代世界各国这是相当普遍的人口统计方法。
3. Among the ways to reduce carbon emissions, carbon trading and carbon tax, as indirect means of reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, are widely used and accepted around the world. 众多的减排方法中,碳交易和碳税同为间接降低二氧化碳排放的手段,被世界各国广泛接受和采用。
4. Foreign investors were also prevented from joining and controlling Chinese enterprises' online game operations by indirect means like forming agreements or offering technological support. 外资同样不能使用协议和提供技术手段等间接方式参与和控制中国企业的网游业务。
5. Sometimes directly to differential pressure in the process of production as the process parameters, differential pressure measurement for flow and material level measuring indirect means. 生产过程中有时直接以差压作为工艺参数,差压测量还可以为流量和物位测量的间接手段。