1. The indiscriminate use of fertilizers is damaging to the environment. 化肥的滥用化正在损害环境。
2. Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics. 医生被指责滥用抗生素。
3. She's always been indiscriminate in her choice of friends. 她一向择友不慎。
4. But beyond Splash's indiscriminate eating habits and love of tennis balls, he was little more than a furry mystery to me. 但是除了Splash胡吃海塞的坏习惯以及对网球的热爱之情之外,我对它的了解甚少,对于我来说,它就像是个毛茸茸的谜团。
5. Is her mother will Qinggong, I have not enough time to think, do face a wronged mother's brother, the indiscriminate that my meal, my nose an acid, even tears. 妈妈难道会轻功,我还没来得及想时,妈妈一看满脸委屈的弟弟,就不分青红皂白的说了我一顿,我鼻子一酸,竟然哭了。