1. Individualities of this type are found everywhere. 这个类型的个性随处可见。
2. This paper analyzes the reasons and the differences of individualities and thoughts between them. 本文分析了内中原因及由此所展现出来的严、梁个性、思想上的歧异。
3. The meaning of the statement is entirely independent of the individualities of the members of the groups. 这句称述的意义和这组事物单独成员的特质完全无关。
4. Their individualities and originalities will undoubtedly be impaired, because our society a diversified one. 他们自己的个性和创意就毫无疑问的会削弱,因为我们的社会是一个多元化的社会。
5. The first chapter deals with the individualities of media brands, which is the starting point for the study of media brand strategy. 第一章分析媒介品牌的个性特征。 这是媒介品牌战略研究的一个基本出发点。