1. Many employers, for example, will overlook occasional inefficiencies from their secretary provided she has a pleasant personality. 例如,许多雇主会忽略他们的秘书偶尔的工作效率低下,只要她有令人愉快的个性。
2. Though employers are backed by a chorus of remote work advocates, others note the loneliness, reduced productivity and inefficiencies of extended remote work. 尽管雇主们得到了远程工作倡导者的支持,但其他一部分人发现了长期远程工作所带来的孤独感、生产率降低和低效率。
3. Otherwise, there may be certain inefficiencies. 否则,可能存在某种低效性。
4. The railway revival still has inefficiencies to overcome. 复兴铁路仍有许多效率低下的情况需要克服。
5. The traditional way to avoid these inefficiencies was to use SAX. 避免这些效率低下之处的传统方法是使用SAX。