1. Unless the tests are ineptly designed, removing tests will just remove power. 除非测试用例是不熟练的设计,否则去掉测试用例就是去除作用力。
2. In the cockpit she found the droid fiddling ineptly at the controls. "Leave that alone, " she snapped. "I'll do it. " 在驾驶座上,朱诺看见那个机器人正笨拙的摆弄着控制开关。“离开那里!”朱诺怒气冲冲的斥责到:“这些活交给我。”
3. And a lot of today's campaigns are based on optimum positioning but are totally ineffective-because they are dull, or badly constructed, or ineptly written. 现时有许多活动是以最理想的品牌定位为前题,但却完全不见彰效——因为它们索然无味,或是架构很差,或者是用字遣词不适当。