1. She could not forgive his infidelities. 她无法原谅他的不忠行为。
2. George turned a blind eye to his partner's infidelities. 乔治对他伴侣的私通睁一只眼闭一只眼。
3. Lo and behold, it turns out that his widow, to whom he confessed various infidelities before expiring, was pregnant; indeed, he was the father. 你瞧,原来他的遗孀怀孕了,他在临死前曾向她承认过各种不忠行为;事实上,他就是孩子的父亲。
4. Never confess to past infidelities. 不要承认过去的不忠。
5. She closed her eyes to her husband's infidelities. 她丈夫有不忠行为,她却视而不见。