1. He's completely inflexible on the subject. 他在这个问题上寸步不让。
2. Workers insisted the new system was too inflexible. 工人们坚持认为新制度过于僵化。
3. His opponents viewed him as stubborn, dogmatic, and inflexible. 他的对手认为他固执、教条而且死板。
4. Her parents kept her on a tight rein with their narrow and inflexible views. 她的父母目光短浅而又固执地严格控制着她。
5. The Amish are often perceived by other Americans to be relics of the past who live a simple, inflexible life dedicated to inconvenient out-dated customs. 其他美国人常常认为阿米什人是历史遗迹,他们过着简单、呆板的生活,且坚持着麻烦而过时的习俗。