1. He met a select group of media influentials. 他会见了一群经过挑选的媒介巨头。
2. The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding but largely untested theory… 原文讲述这是一种似乎是真实的,没有得到检验的理论,选项。
3. If you would like to learn more about the real-time Web, come meet the RWW team and industry influentials at the real-time Web Summit in New York on June 11th. 如果你想更多了解实时互联网(real - time Web),可以来参加6月11日在纽约举行的实时互联网峰会,见见读写网团队和业内有影响力的人物。
4. In their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. 通过最近的调查,一些研究者发现这些有影响力的人并不像普遍认为的那样都社会流行有重大作用。事实上,他们并不需要。
5. Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those select people will do most of the work for them. 营销人员接受两级传播理论是因为该理论认为,如果他们能够找到影响者,并对他们施加影响,这些精英们就会替他们完成大部分的营销传播工作。