1. She enjoyed the relative informality of island life. 她喜欢相对轻松随意的岛屿生活。
2. In many other homes, this china and silver elegance has given way to a stoneware and stainless informality, with dresses assuming an equally casual Friday look. 在其他许多家庭中,这种瓷器和银器的优雅已经让位给石器和不锈钢的随意,着装也同样呈现出周五休闲的样子。
3. But she liked his natural manner and informality. 不过她喜欢他那自然不做作的举止。
4. Encourage informality and a relaxed company climate. 在公司里,提倡非正式,轻松的气氛。
5. What are the examples do you have in terms of informality-casual? 请举出一些他们非正式或者很随便的例子?