1. Would you mind initialing this voucher? 请在凭单上用首字母签名。
2. Finally, the relative importance of the planetary wave 1 and wave 2 for initialing SSWs is discussed. 最后,本文利用分歧理论,探讨了大气行星波波1和波2在冬季平流层增温中的相对重要性。
3. In our daily life during debugging and test the circuit , when initialing the oscillograph, always we press the " AUTOSET " for short. 在我们日常的调试电路板和测量的过程中,初始化示波器时,往往我们“…
4. Whether it's pre-loading image rollovers or initialing an XmlHttpRequest object for a later Ajax request or assigning event handlers, it's your code that takes time. 是否预加载图像翻转或初始化xmlhttprequest对象以用于稍后的Ajax请求,或分配事件处理程序,您的代码将花时间处理这些问题。