1. The Springer Group has filed a lawsuit in the Daily News, accusing the latter of initiating a road name change that was too labor-intensive and costly. 施普林格集团已经一纸诉状将《每日新闻》告上法庭,控告后者发起的修改路名之举过于劳民伤财。
2. Realigning and Initiating the Next Move of God. 重整与启动上帝的下一步行动。
3. Initiating and processing the procurement workflow. 启动并处理采购工作流。
4. Initiating the artwork change request with an eform. 使用一个eForm发起美术品更改请求。
5. The title and name of the Web page initiating the trackback. 发起trackback的web页面的标题和名称。