1. But when the inquirers learned what was involved, most of them shied away. 但当询问者得知涉及的内容时,他们中的多数都回避了。
2. Finally, V3 now supports large result sets, enabling inquirers to retrieve results in a quasi-chunked fashion. 最后,V 3现在支持大结果集,使得查询程序能够以一种类似分块的方式检索结果。
3. By verifying the signature, inquirers using the registry can also be assured that a signed entity is valid and that the publisher represented by the signature created it. 通过验证签名,使用注册中心的查询程序还可以确信一个经过签名的实体是有效的,并且它是由这个签名所代表的发布者创建的。
4. Through participation in our study projects, children learn how to become inquirers as they plan, research, problem solve, document and share their learning with others. 通过参与研究项目,孩子学习如何研究,如何安排计划,解决问题,与他人分享文件等。
5. The permanent file will remain in a designated place ICF selects - and no one else will have access to this file. Information from that file will not be released to other inquirers. 相关文件将保存ICF指定的存放处– 任何人皆不能接触这些资料且无論任何人要求皆不得公布之。