1. Nobody gets away with insulting me like that. 对这样侮辱我的人我决不会善罢甘休。
2. A kid I used to be friends with turned against me after being told that I'd been insulting him. 一个与我曾经是朋友的年轻人在被告知我一直在污蔑他后就和我反目成仇了。
3. Many a brisk argument or an insulting quarrel breaks out as the weary queues push and shove each other to get on buses and tubes. 当疲惫的队伍推推搡搡挤上公共汽车或地铁时,许多刻薄的争论或侮辱性的争吵爆发了。
4. She was really insulting to me. 她对我实在粗鲁无礼。
5. Some of them spoke pleasantly and were well behaved, while others were impudent and insulting. 他们当中的一些人谈吐不俗、举止得体,而另一些人则行为不恭、傲慢无礼。