1. For in the past you have only talked to Me, praying to Me, interceding with Me, beseeching Me. 因为在过去,你们只是单方面的对我说话、向我祈求、跟我求情。
2. Could you read the story of Abraham's interceding for Sodom and say that you have interceded for London like that? 当你读到亚伯拉罕为所多玛祈求的事例时,你能说你已为伦敦代求到这个程度了吗?
3. May my heart really feel that there is no honor or joy on earth at all equal to the unspeakable privilege of waiting upon God and interceding for the blessing he delights to give! 但愿我的心真觉得等候神并为着祂渴想赐下的祝福代求,是无法用言语形容的特权与福分,地上没有什么荣誉与喜乐能与之相比。