2. The forest seemed interminable; nowhere did he discover a break in it, not even a woodman's road. He had not known that he lived in so wild a region. 连绵不绝的森林似乎没有尽头;他发现这座森林里没有任何缝隙,连一条伐木小道也没有,他不知道自己竟然居住在如此荒凉的地方。
3. We can see this state, this continual cycle of torment, represented in Cai's warriors who, like many others, are trapped in an interminable state of suffering. 在蔡志松的人物作品中我们就能看到这种状态和这种无尽的痛苦,这些战士像其他很多人一样正承受着无尽的煎熬。
4. Many articles and books on India end here, but Luce explains the reasons for India's interminable paradoxes, arguing they are the logical outcomes of illogical polices. 大量研究印度的文章与书仅仅到此为止,但卢斯继续解释了这些不断涌现的矛盾现象的原因。他认为这是不合理政策的合理后果。
5. But these interminable situations do not include the millions more uprooted people who are displaced within their own countries and who far outnumber the world's refugees. 但是,这些无休止的状况尚未包括另外数百万人在自己的国境内流离失所,而这些人的数量远远超过世界上难民的总数。