1. At the theater, I do not have a reason to go out to the lobby during intermissions. 在电影院里,中场阶段我没有理由出去到大厅。
2. In the future, my meals will be little intermissions throughout the day. Overtures, not full symphonies. 只要病情稍有好转,我就又可以吃东西了,将来我的一日三餐也不会中断,是序曲而非完整的交响曲。
3. Foreign policy became resolutely anti-French, and remained so, with brief intermissions, until the defeat of Napoleon. 外交政策变得坚定地反法兰西,除开一些短暂的中断期之外,一直维持到拿破仑覆败时为止。
4. At the theater, I do not have a reason to go out to the lobby during intermissions. I never have an excuse to get out of the house and run to the store for a package of cigarettes. 在剧院里我没有理由在演出间隙到外面的休息室去,我从没有借口到外面的商店买包烟。