1. Interrogatives function to draw attention and stress but not to ask for the answers. 疑问语气不是为了得到回答而是为了引起注意和强调。
2. Those sentences could be categorized into declaratives, imperatives, and interrogatives. 这些句子可以分为陈述、命令、疑问句。
3. Viewed synchronically, the syntactic forms of these questions are in Tom the results of the decay of the interrogative syntagma embedded in the interrogatives. 从共时来观察,适应强弱发问的问句句式结构的形成,又是疑问句内疑问结构体衰变的结果。
4. The frequently-used strategies of Chinese interrogatives acquisition in the context of natural conversation include using formulaic speech, repetition and simplification. 在自然对话情境下习得疑问句常用的策略是:使用套语、重复、简化等。