1. Objective thinking may boost intuitiveness. 客观思考可以增强直觉。
2. The modeling language is a proprietary one, reducing intuitiveness. 建模语言也是厂商特有的,缺乏直观性。
3. It's that intuitiveness that makes so-called "Epiphany" dreams such a valuable resource. 直觉使得那些所谓“顿悟”的梦成为宝贵的资源。
4. Icon intuitiveness test in which an icon was shown to a small number of users (typically five) without its label. 图标直觉测试(Icon intuitiveness test)。
5. The book emphasizes how deceptively effortless Mr. Jobs’s ideas now seem because of their extreme intuitiveness and foresight. 书中特别强调乔布斯的这些如今看似不费吹灰之力的想法皆缘于他们无限的直觉与预见性。