1. Symptoms include red, itchy and inflamed skin. 症状包括皮肤红肿、瘙痒和发炎。
2. It would be great if they would be able to tell us whether they are hungry or if their backs are itchy. 如果它们不仅能告诉我们它们是否饿了,或者它们的背部是否发痒,那就太好了。
3. In case, you suffer from dry and itchy skin, massage your face and other exposed arms and legs with pure almond oil. 如果你的皮肤干燥发痒,用纯杏仁油按摩你的脸和其他裸露的胳膊和腿。
4. You will probably experience the symptoms of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, stuffy or runny noses and scratchy throats. 你很可能会经历像打喷嚏、眼睛瘙痒和流泪、鼻塞或流鼻涕以及喉咙刺痛等症状。
5. This germ—which is present in soil and water, not feces—is responsible for "swimmers ear", an itchy or painful inflammation of the ear. 这种细菌——存在于泥土和水中,而非粪便——是造成“游泳耳”的主要原因,症状是耳朵发痒疼痛和红肿。