1. That is to say, he emptied the tea-leaves now and again into a jam jar set aside for that purpose and if he ran out of clean forks he wiped over one or two on the roller towel. 他把用过的茶叶尽朝尽晚地倒在一个梅酱瓶里,那是放着专为倒茶叶用的,只要他用完了干净的叉子,就在拉得动的擦手布上篦了一个两个暂时使用。
2. It's the same glass, more or less, that is used for the Windows in your home and the jar of jam in your fridge - and that old elixir bottle you bought at an antique store. 这与你家的窗玻璃、冰箱中装果酱的广口瓶或者从古董商店淘来的炼金瓶的材料并无二致。
3. To eat: two dozen granola bars, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jam. 干粮有:24片燕麦卷,一罐花生酱,还有一罐果酱。
4. In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels. 在酒巴里理发师为一罐果酱讲了价然后越过桶作的屏障。
5. Those in the six-jam group were ten times more likely to actually purchase a jar of jam. 提供六种口味的那一组购买果酱的可能性是提供二十四种口味的那组的十倍。