1. By capping her grades at 94 while most other teachers grade on a scale that tops out at 100, your teacher could jeopardize a student's chance of getting a scholarship or getting into a top college. 如果你的老师把自己的成绩限制在94分,而其他大多数老师的评分范围都在100分以上,那么你的老师可能会危及学生获得奖学金或进入顶尖大学的机会。
2. The dispute could jeopardize the negotiations. 这一争论可能会使损害谈判。
3. He would never do anything to jeopardize his career. 他决不会做任何有损于他事业的事。
4. Risks that jeopardize the solution. 危害解决方案的风险。
5. We must not jeopardize the gains we have made. 我们一定不能危及我们已经取得的成绩。