1. He also wore a jewelled crown for such occasions. 他也会为这种场合戴上宝石王冠。
2. XI It decks me only to mock me, this jewelled chain of mine. 它装饰我只是为了对我嘲弄,我的这根珠宝项圈。
3. My lady twisted the jewelled fingers in and out of each other, as she talked to her husband. 爵士夫人同她丈夫谈话时,不断地屈、伸着她那戴了珠宝戒指的手指。
4. Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with jewelled rims—just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair. 这些美丽的梳子是纯玳瑁做的,边缘镶着宝石——其色彩正适合于戴在她那消失了的秀发上。
5. The stunning metallic green sheen of the "jewelled beetle" is produced by microscopic cells in its exoskeleton. “宝石甲虫”发出漂亮金属绿光是因为它外骨骼的微观细胞。