1. The job hunter dawdled all morning but achieved nothing. 这个找工作的人闲混了一个上午,一无所获。
2. Mani first-tim job hunter overlook thi kei point until it' too late. 许多首次求职者会忽略这个关键问题,等他意识到时候已为时太晚。
3. Job interview is a formal meeting between employer and the job hunter, which I think it's beneficial to both parts. 面试是面试者和应聘者的正式会面,我认为这对双方都是有利的。
4. 'he wasn't kidding,' says Russ Riendeau, an executive recruiter who set up the interview and confirmed the account with the job hunter. “他不是在开玩笑,”组织了这场面试的招聘主管拉斯•李安德(Russ Riendeau)说。
5. Job hunter Han a GREes. "People think women employees will be a burden because they will get pregnant, take maternity leave and will breastfeed, " said Han. 作为一名求职者,韩佳悦对此表示同意。她说“人们认为女性职员将来会是种负担,因为她们会怀孕,休产假、养育孩子。”