1. The wise jobseeker explores the place the day before. 精明的求职者总是前一天探明地方。
2. The wise jobseeker explores the place the day before. 聪明的求职者总是前一天现探明地方。
3. The plan of action should be individualized for the particular jobseeker. The plan should assist both the jobseeker and the employment service. 该方案将针对求职者的特殊情况进行个性化设计,求职者和就业服务部门都将从中受益。
4. What types of qualifications would a jobseeker need to get in the door, and what's the best way to demonstrate enthusiasm for a prospective employer? 对于求职者来说进入这扇门需要具备什么样的资格?还有就是如何最好地向你的雇主表明你的工作热忱?
5. The network of workforce products and services that meets business and jobseeker needs in whatever manner and location is most effective and convenient for the customer. 提供劳动力产品和服务的网络,它可以通过任意方式满足企业和求职者的需要,而且地点对于客户来讲更为有效和方便。