1. It'll be free frocks and jollies for ever, you'll see! 将会有免费的连身裙和永远的快乐,相信我!
2. To the relief of football clubs, swanky nightclubs and Formula 1, taking clients on company-sponsored jollies seems unlikely to cause any problems. 为了救济足球俱乐部,骄傲的夜总会和F1方程序赛车,让顾客参加公司赞助的娱乐活动似乎不会引起任何麻烦。
3. Bosses may stick a few modernist daubs on their boardroom walls.They may go on corporate jollies to the opera.They may even write the odd cheque to support their wives' bearded friends. 老板们或许会在办公室里挂上几幅所谓的现代派的画像,或许会饶有兴致的结伴去看场歌剧,甚至可能无缘无故的写张支票支持下老婆们的艺术家朋友。