1. After a short rest, they took up their knapsacks and went on. 休息了一会儿之后,他们又背起背包上路了。
2. When she entered the kitchen, Robert Kincaid was repacking the knapsacks , neatly and precisely, she noticed. 她回到厨房时,罗伯特金凯正在重新打背包,她注意到打得十分整齐、准确。
3. Along Third Avenue twilight had fallen; people were speeding past him, carting grocery bags, or knapsacks slung over their shoulders. 沿着第三大道的暮色已经垂落;人们驾着车,推着购物车,或是将背包吊在肩上,飞速而过。
4. However, they put all that was given them into their knapsacks; and continued to work with as much apparent diligence as before at their empty looms. 不过他们还是继续在空空的机架上工作。
5. Among these on-lookers were three Young men of a superior class, carrying small knapsacks strapped to their shoulders, and stout sticks in their hands. 在这群旁观的人中间有三个阶层较高的年轻男子,肩上背着小背包,手里拄着粗棍子。