1. Unemployment, being the knottiest issue of all, has been relegated for now to the back burner. 失业是最棘手的问题,暂时已搁置起来,以后。
2. Even so, by using his chosen questions like wedges, Mr. Kolakowski succeeds in splitting open even the knottiest systems. 即便如此,科拉柯夫斯基先生把像这些挑选的问题当作楔子一样使用,成功地切开最纠缠不清的体系。
3. It has became the knottiest problem for parents to deal with their children's "problem behaviors" in the course of growing up. 如何处理孩子成长过程中的“问题行为”已成为许多父母最感棘手的问题。
4. The knottiest problem will be what to do with those who cannot be prosecuted but cannot sensibly be freed—and are still dangerous. 最棘手的问题将是如何处置那些不能被起诉,但危险度很高不能轻易释放的那些人。
5. Two physicists used string-tumbling experiments and mathematical models to create a step-by-step recipe for knot formation and determined which factors cause the knottiest knots. 有两名物理学家进行了“绳子弄乱”的实验和并建立起数学模型,获得了绳子是如何打结的逐一各个步骤,并且确定了是哪些因素会引起最为”复杂“的绳子结。