1. But once met then knowns one another well, how about meets not to see time. 但曾相见便相知,相见何如不见时。
2. Use different colored markers - allowing different colors for knowns, unknowns, questions, etc. 使用不同的彩色笔——使用不同的颜色识别已知,未知,问题,等等。
3. As projects progress, unknowns become knowns, and new and unexpected issues and opportunities arise. 随着项目的进展,未知内容逐渐变为已知内容,并且新的和意料之外的问题和机会都会随之出现。
4. Watching Wen in her sleep , Zhe stays wide awake that night , he knowns that Wen will be the one if things go on like this . 看着文熟睡的脸,哲一夜未眠,他明白,照此下去,文肯定难逃一劫。
5. But by far, the coolest/weirdest thing about this sea creature is its ability to hypnotize its prey using what's knowns as "photophores" on its arms. 这家伙最冷血或者最奇特的地方在于,它可以用它“手臂”上所谓的发光体来蛊惑猎物。