1. The program is laudably ambitious. 这项计划雄心勃勃,值得称赞。
2. They're laudably attempting to carry out the plan. 他们正试图执行这一计划,精神可嘉。
3. Laudably frank Suggestions, for someone who had just driven an hour to reach us. 对于一位刚刚驱车一小时来我家的人,这样坦诚的建议真是值得称赞。
4. If you've had the pleasure of reading Ball, you know that's a good omen; he manages to write worlds that are fully realized, using laudably punchy prose. 如果你是保尔的书迷,那么你肯定觉得这是一个很好的兆头,作者用强有力的语言描绘出了一个完全实现了的世界,这一点颇受好评。