1. Wallets can be folded twice or thrice. lavishness wallets are extra of a fashion symbol. 可以折叠两到三次的钱包。 豪华钱包更成为最佳的时尚标志。
2. There are also lavishness men's fashionable wallets which a few observe as a fashion symbol. 也有一些高档的男士时尚钱包被少数人引为时尚的象征。
3. Just because architecture may be growing more humble doesn't mean there's no place for over-the-top lavishness. 就因为现在的建筑设计变得越来越简陋,并不意味着没地方可以供人花天酒地。
4. The prosperity is visibly striking, not only for its lavishness relative to surrounding areas but also for its uniformity. 繁荣是显而易见、令人震惊的不仅由于其对比周边地区的相对奢华而且也在于它的整齐划一。
5. Some local governments are competing with one another for lavishness and spend money hand over foot, arousing strong public resentment. 不少地方讲排场,比阔气,花钱大手大脚,奢侈之风盛行,群众反映强烈。