1. Don't try to lay the blame on me. I wasn't even there that day. 别想把责任推在我身上,我那天根本不在那里。
2. There are many reasons for student couples' crack-ups, but most lay the blame on the age-old issue of different job opportunities in different places. 大学生情侣分手有很多原因,而首当其冲的便是这个老生常谈的问题,即不同的地方有不同的工作机会。
3. Better to hope that the IMF is called in to slash budgets and order mass lay-offs, and then to take over and blame everything on the previous lot. 他们希望最好国际货币基金组织能够介入,呼吁大砍预算,大规模裁员,然后他们接手,把全部过错推给之前的所有人和事。
4. Too many European politicians lay all the blame on speculators, hedge funds, rating agencies and the rest for “unwarranted” attacks on the euro. 太多的欧洲政客将全部责任推给投机者,对冲基金,评级机构,其余的就毫无根据地攻击欧元。
5. French and German voters, for example, lay part of the blame for the crisis on hedge funds and tax havens, even though both played minor roles compared with the highly regulated banking system. 举例说,法国和德国的投票者将此次危机部分地归咎于对冲基金以及税收保护,尽管同受到高度监管的银行体系相比,这两者都只负有很小的责任。