1. I was talking with a friend recently who took a voluntary lay-off to go to a new position at a start-up company. 最近我同一个朋友交谈得知,他刚刚自愿被解雇然后准备到一家刚刚起步的公司就职一个新职位。
2. That's why it's important to be be prepared to change jobs, because a lay-off could happen to any of us, often without warning. 这就是为什么提前做好换工作的准备是重要的原因,因为我们每个人都可能在没有警告的情况下被开除。
3. Essien, though, has been philosophical and typically laid-back about the lay-off, and he is simply excited about the new campaign. 虽然埃辛在理论上和现实中都与替补和修养相联系,但他还是简单的为新的赛季兴奋。
4. The company is to lay off 1,520 workers as part of a restructuring. 作为改组的一部分,这家公司将解雇1520名工人。
5. I think you'd better lay off fatty foods for a while. 我认为你最好暂时别吃高脂食物。