1. As the ruminants then set to work, they eat down to the lower, leafier parts of the vegetation. 随后,当这些反刍动物开始行动时,它们吃到的是植物较低部位的叶子。
2. House prices in the leafier neighbourhoods have almost doubled in the past two years. 周边越来越多的地区房价在过去两年几乎翻番。
3. With a push from me, Ira finally put the dog into a carrier bag and flew him off to a better life with a loving stay-at-home owner in a quieter, leafier city. 在我的努力下,Ira终于把他的狗装进运输公司的箱子,然后把它送去一个安静的,树木葱郁的城市去和它新的家里蹲的主人过更好的生活去了。
4. The trend is for perfumes with a fresher, leafier note, and these need oil from fruit picked early,” says Laurent Bert, director of Capua, a family company based near Reggio Calabria. 现在香水的趋势是要更清新更有树叶的味道,这就需要从提早采摘的水果中提炼的油。