1. Lessors of Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units: 11%. 迷你仓库和自助存储设施的出租人:11%。
2. In some cases, the lessors are the garment companies themselves. 在某些情况下,出租人也是服装公司本身。
3. Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Mini-warehouses) : 11.3%. 非居民住宅建筑出租人(不包括小型仓库):11.3%。
4. Most of those regional associations are rental lessor ones, but few of them include two kinds of lessors at the time. 大部分地方性协会主要是由以经营传统租赁业务的出租人公司而构成,少数地方租赁协会同时包括两种类型的出租人。
5. Thee Leaseurope Index is a unique survey that tracks key performance indicators of a sample of 23 European lessors on a quarterly basis. 欧洲租赁指数是一个独特的调查,以23家欧洲租赁公司为样本,跟踪其季度性的关键绩效指标。