1. Liberal arts learning helps you become a well-educated, well-rounded person – someone who's interested in the world and interesting to others. 文科学习帮助你成为一个受过良好教育且人格完满的人,对世界感兴趣且对别人来说很有趣的人。
2. It is the world's only liberal arts university for deaf people. 它是世界上唯一一所为聋人开设的文科大学。
3. Simultaneously, the liberal arts become more important than ever. 与此同时,人文学科变得比以往任何时候都更重要。
4. The council is a nonprofit group that supports liberal arts education. 这个委员会是一个支持通识教育的非营利组织。
5. Individually engineering and the liberal arts shape a person in very different ways; together they threaten to confuse. 工科和文科各自以十分不同的方式塑造个人。如果混在一起学,则会引起混乱。