1. Listing 2 shows a sample XML document, bib.xml, which represents a bibliography of books. 清单 2 显示了一个示例 XML 文档 bib.xml ,它表示书籍的书目。
2. First, I need to mock up a description of what I might want to say about the data in Listing 2. 首先,对于清单2中的数据,我需要模拟出一个描述,记录下对于这些数据我可能要说的内容。
3. The first line in Listing 6 contains information for Ella Kimpton, including her ID, name, and customer status. 清单 6 中的第一行包含了有关 Ella Kimpton 的信息,包括她的身份号、姓名和客户状态。
4. They may swallow their doubts because they have a sense that the listing of the company will improve the market for their shares. 他们只有好打消疑虑,因为他们很清楚,公司上市会增加他们的市场份额。
5. Listing 4 shows a typical messaging event, posting notification of a new high bid in an auction system, and the code that generates it. 清单4显示了一个典型的消息传递事件,即发布拍卖系统中的一个新的高投标通知和产生该事件的代码。