1. In the mountains almost everything had to be mimeographed or stone-block lithographed. 在山区,差不多所有的材料部是油印或石印的。
2. A closer inspection reveals that the label is lithographed on a heat shrinkable polymer or directly onto the exterior can wall rather than lithographed on a steel label. 最近的调查表明,印在热塑封套上或者直接印刷在外壳表面的标签要好过印在钢壳上。
3. He does such odd jobs as buying raw materials, drying umbrellas and delivering goods. Once in a while he goes to Fenshui to fetch lithographed umbrella paper and finished ribs. 每过一段时间邱哥就跑一趟分水,把石印好的伞纸和做好的伞骨拿些回来。