1. I am a social worker, a lobbyist, and a special assistant to the executive director at the National Association of Social Workers. 我是一名社会工作者,一名说客,也是美国社会工作者协会执行主任的特别助理。
2. Her husband is a lobbyist, and familiar with almost every senator. 她的丈夫是位说客,几乎跟每位参议员都熟。
3. The lobbyist has pull with the senator. 游说者对参议员有影响力。
4. This lobbyist spins on behalf of cigarette companies. 这个说客代表烟草公司歪曲事实。
5. A lobbyist represents a group and tries to advance its interests. 说客代表某个群体并努力促进其利益。